In the first chapter of The World Is Flat Thomas Friedman identifies what he describes as 3 eras of globalization. Globalization 1.0 was characterized by political and economic relationships among and between governments. Globalization 2.0 was characterized by international collaboration and competition among businesses and corporations. The first half of this era was driven by advances in transportation; the second half by advances in technology, especially telecommunications. The current era, Globalization 3.0, is characterized by individuals having the power to compete and collaborate on a global level.
In one illustration, he uses the example of airline reservations/ticketing. In a globalization 1.0 era, all ticketing is done manually and is on paper. In a globalization 2.0 era, ticketing may be done electronically, but is still controlled by the airline or travel agent. In globalization 3.0 the passenger makes his reservations, pays, and prints his own boarding pass all from the convenience of his own home or mobile device. To borrow from Friedman's analogy, Education 1.0 is characterized by standardization, with a defined curriculum being delivered by a teacher who is the source of content, to students sitting in rows and working individually to complete their assignments with pencil and paper. Education 2.0 may adopt the use of technology - calculators, whiteboards, computer labs, even individual student devices, but the delivery of curriculum, instruction, and assessment are still standardized and highly controlled. Education 3.0 is just beginning to appear in a few isolated instances. One of the ways Education 3.0 might be characterized is by what Gayle Allen describes as The New Pillars of Modern Teaching, where standardized Instruction, Curriculum and Assessment are transformed into Design, Curation, and Feedback, and where some level of control is shifted to the learner. You can join the Region 10 Digital Learning team in exploring this book beginning October 17. For more information go to Comments are closed.